Terms and condition

Terms and Conditions

Topforexrating.com is pleased to provide you with information, content, tools, products, and services. These Terms and Conditions contain important disclosures as well as information about specific items and products. Your use of Topforexrating.com is subject to these Terms and Conditions.

The information found on Topforexrating.com is not guaranteed to be always complete, accurate, and current. We do not guarantee the accuracy or quality of the content available on the site. We cannot assume any responsibility for any form of loss or damage which may arise from relying on the information on this site and any of its services.

Topforexrating.com may modify these Terms and Conditions at any time and without prior notice. You should review the most current version of these Terms and Conditions by visiting Topforexrating.com and clicking on the Terms and Conditions hyperlink located at the bottom of the page. Your continued access or use of the site signifies your agreement to these Terms and Conditions in the form amended. The only notice of changes or modification to these Terms and Conditions will be by Topforexrating.com publishing revised Terms and Conditions on this website. Topforexrating.com will not separately notify you of any changes or modifications.

By using this website or providing information to us in other formats, you consent to collecting and using this information by Topforexrating.com. Furthermore, you are committed to providing accurate, correct, complete, and up-to-date information and keeping current with the latest information.

Topforexrating.com guarantees that your data will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. The server where these data will be stored and dealt with has implemented the necessary industry-standard security measures to prevent accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access to the aforementioned data.

Cookies Policy

When you visit this website by using this site, you agree that we can store and use cookies stored on your device. This is done to enhance your experience on the internet.

Cookies are tiny text files generated on your computer when you visit a website that uses cookies. The files serve to assist your browser in navigating to the website and make use of all its features like logins. Cookies can also be utilized by websites to generate data on the number of visitors and to determine the user location to display ads. Cookies files are generally saved within your cookie file in your web browser.

What do we make use of cookies to do?

We use cookies to improve the management of our site as well as our user experience. Cookies can be used to track information about the non-personal activity of visitors, create an outline, track preferences for personal preferences, deliver current and relevant data to users, or provide specific ads.

If you'd like to opt-out or "opt-out" of the cookies used by our website, it is possible to do this by adjusting the cookie's settings according to your browser's preferences. You can limit the operation of our site or functionality by restricting the use of cookies.

Intellectual property

All rights to copyright, database rights, and other rights to intellectual property that are contained in the contents of this website are ours. The website may contain names, terms, and data that may or might not be identified using an emblem that identifies it as the name, word, or object for which copyright is claimed or a trademark registered. The absence of any symbol should not, in any circumstance, be interpreted as implying this name or word or data are an intellectual property right of us or a third entity.

Links to other sites

These Terms and conditions apply only to this site that is not a third-party website if we provide hyperlinks to other websites which we believe could be attractive to our users. We endeavor to ensure that these websites meet the highest quality; however, due to its nature as a World Wide Web, we can't guarantee the standards of each linked website or take responsibility in regards to their information. You agree not to hold Topforexrating.com responsible for the content or operation of such websites. A hyperlink from this website to another website does not imply that Topforexrating.com endorses the content on that website or the operator or operations of that site. The sole responsibility in determining the amount to which you can make use of any information on sites to which you may connect from this site.

Legal Restrictions

You know that various rules and laws govern financial contracts across all countries, and you must be sure you're complying with the laws that apply to your jurisdictional country. Also, even when you can use our website, however, this does not suggest that you are able that you can trade in this Forex marketplace in your nation.

Risk disclosure

Foreign exchange trading with a margin comes with significant risk and might not be appropriate for everyone. The high leverage can be detrimental and for you. Before you decide to invest in foreign exchange, take a close look at your investment goals and experience level and risk-aversion. There is a chance that you'll suffer losses of at least all of the initial investment, so you shouldn't put money in a position that you could afford to lose. It is essential to be aware of the various risks of trading in foreign currencies and seek the advice of an independent financial adviser should you have questions.


We reserve the right to end your access to this site if we find that you violate our terms and conditions at our sole discretion.