Minimum Deposit

Min 1-2000 Max


Min 1-2000 Max

Established On

Min 1900-2022 Max

Australia as one of the financial Forex Trading hubs regulates and oversees activities along with operations through the independent authorizing body Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

The initial concept of a regulatory organization covers all aspects of Australian Stock Exchange operation, as well as strengthening the confidence of investments by supervision of the financial companies through sharp guidelines maintained by the ASIC.

  • There are numerous requirements that the broker should conduct, apart from the financial sustainability, operational standards, safe trading environment and audits.
  • ASIC regulated firm should also provide credit to the general public and in case of insolvency, ASIC provides assistance to the investors by retrieving their funds.

ASIC Regulated Forex Brokers are known for the strict compliance of procedures along with high reliability since the regulation protects and provides strong funds security along with a guarantee from the Australian banks.

Furthermore, the ASIC famous for its friendly consumer attitude, which offers a wide range of free online resources with information about financial markets and guidelines to consumers about investing, its pros, cons and much more of other support. The result of all is the growing number of companies that open their offices under the ASIC regulation, as well the increasing popularity among the traders to invest in firms regulated by Australia (Australia forex broker).

ASIC allowance to use and offer leverage ratios like 1:30 margin trade.