Minimum Deposit

Min 1-2000 Max


Min 1-2000 Max

Established On

Min 1900-2022 Max

STP Brokers are brokers who sending traders’ orders directly to the market Straight Through Processing or STP without dealing desk intervention (Check Non Dealing desk brokers) means straight to the liquidity providers the market is consistent of and the ones particular broker cooperating with. Typically, the broker has many liquidity providers, either banks or larger brokers generating its own bid and ask price. However, it’s still an option to execute through one liquidity provider, as some brokers practicing that in a result bringing deeper liquidity pool. Read more about STP via Wikiedia.

  • The STP execution means there is no re-quote or delay in filling orders, as the technology executes in extreme speed, sorts quotes among the offering and filling orders at the best available price
  • Most often, the STP Broker offer variable spreads due to the changing bid/ ask prices, yet at very competitive spread value usually lower than Market Makers. Where STP broker adding-on small fixed markup typically 1 pip to the quote representing trading fee, since the company gains its net from a number of executed orders and more interested in the trading sizes.